Conoce a Lara Kitchen, una modelo australiana de 20 años que ha aprovechado las redes sociales para mandar un mensaje a todos aquellos que sienten que no son perfectos y que su apariencia les ha generado conflictos de autoestima.

Kitchen padece alopecia desde los 15 años; cuando comenzó a perder su cabello, sentía que su trabajo como modelo jamás tendría futuro, por lo que decidió ocultar su padecimiento con pelucas y evitó exponerse demasiado al ojo público.

Y aunque las probabilidades de recuperar el cabello eran pocas, intentaron con caros tratamientos estéticos y hormonales, hasta que encontraron a Franchesca, una fabricante de pelucas hechas con pelo natural, que ha ayudado mucho a la modelo a sentirse más cómoda.

Lara decidió enfrentar las críticas y publicar una foto donde aparece con frases como “Soy calva” en su rostro y sí, sin peluca.

Doing this is was the scariest thing I have ever done in my entire life and something I don't speak about to anyone! So a little story to get this all started When I was 14 I started to loose my hair in clumps and as you can imagine being a 14 year old girl starting high school with new people, you want to make a good impression but for me I became and felt like I was the girl that "wore a wig" or as nasty rumors went around such as "I had cancer" and these words were spread not just through my own school but through other school and already suffering anxiety made things very tough. My parents had no Idea what was going on, why was I loosing my hair? We saw doctor after doctor and some said stress and then one of perths top dermatologists told us alopecia, I remember sitting there and just crying in the doctors office and taking my wig off as he looked at my head and began to tell me and my mum that the follicle off the hair was still there but the chances of it growing back were slim but determined to get my hair back we started treatments (which were not cheap, and involved very strong steroids going onto my head) eventually after trying and trying I gave up and had to accept that nothing was working so for the mean time stick to wigs And I can tell you now wigs 6-7 years ago were not what they are today! And one day a gorgeous soul who I will forever be great full too for this told me about franchesca this young lady that was making wigs/ weaves. So my mum and i went and visited franchesca and my god my life changed instantly, Franchesca made long human hair wigs, which was so exciting for me, I could straighten my hair!! I could have a long pony tail! My "hair" looked more real. And from then on kept hush about my hair. Over the past years me and franchesca have spoken about doing something like this video and a few months ago, I agreed! Because I have nothing to be ashamed off in my words "I'm bold (literally) and strong" and yes hair is a major physical aspect to my appearance but my friends and family love me for me, my personality the person and was raised to be, I shouldn't have anything to feel ashamed off! *continue reading in the comments section

Una publicación compartida de Lara Kitchen (@larakitchen) el

“El cabello es importante en el aspecto físico, pero mis amigos y mi familia me quieren por lo que soy. ¡No hay nada de lo que tenga que estar avergonzada!”, publicó en Instagram.

Un mensaje que ha inspirado a muchos.